Madison English Country Dancers

We are a social dance group seeking to share with others the joy of English Country dancing. Come dance with us! Partners are not required.  All dances are taught and called in a supportive environment. Bring a clean pair of comfortable shoes for dancing.  Casual attire is perfectly fine.  Beginners and visitors are always welcome.

Come Dance with Us

Where: Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center, 504 S. Brearly St., Madison, WI 53703

When: First, third, and fifth Mondays from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Cost: $5.00 suggested donation, $3:00 students

Contact information:

Well Done Jack

Dancing to "Well Done Jack" at an Afternoon Tea and Dance with Mady Newfield (caller) and live music by Rare Privilege (Amy McFarland, piano and Maria Terres, violin).

"Circle of Four"

"Two Hands Around"

"Star by the Right"

"Hey for Four"

2024_09_02 Madison English Country Dance 2K

The Madison English Country Dancers performing the dance "Alice" at the "Shifting Gears" Dance Collective event at Brittingham Park, September, 2024.